The city of Waynesboro’s landfill was closed in 2003 in accordance with the Virginia Depatrment of Enironmental Quality requirements. The 107 acre property includes approximately 17 acres incorporating the closed landfill. The goal of the City is to provide public access to this area for passive recreational uses and development of a trail system for walking and mountain biking. A decade after the closure the City began taking steps to this end, utilizing the services of Community Design Assistnace Center from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University to help develop a master plan for the development of ‘Sunset Park’. Today the City has a concept plan based on that early work and is seeking funding from City Council and other organizations to fund the construction of the park.

In 2018, the City of Waynesboro recieved a VDOT Recreation Access Grant to make vital upgrades to the existing gravel road leading up to the top of the landfill. Construction is not expected until fall/winter of 2019.